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February 2025
January 2025
Time to Talk Day is taking place on Thursday 6 February, so pull up a chair, its time to talk about our mental health.
The day encourages friends, families and colleagues to come together and help one another with any difficulties they may be experiencing. According to Time to Talk Day 2024, ‘nearly two thirds of the UK public put on a brave face to avoid talking about their mental health. And nearly half of us are less likely to open up as we don't want to worry others in already difficult times.
You can read more about Time to Talk Day as well as sticking to new years' resolutions and enjoying the great outdoors in the my latest newsletter.
December 2024
In December's newsletter there are features on 24 self-care tips for December; and a focus on Lapis Lazuli, a crystal I use during crystal therapy sessions.
November 2024
Novermber's newsletter features articles about journalling. So, what is journalling? It is different from keeping a diary, it’s about recording how you felt about your day. It’s a technique that some may find useful for dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. It is a good way to monitor your habits, and behaviours as well as a great way to help process your feelings. The newsletter also features articles about staying well this winter, and tips on how you can boost your immune system too.
Don’t know what you buy your loved one this Christmas?
Why not give the gift of reflexology (or crystal therapy, or a mixture of both)? You can buy a voucher for a reflexology or crystal session, or as a monetary voucher towards a treatment at my treatment room in Arborfield. Contact me to arrange delivery or collection.
October 2024
Welcome to October's newsletter. It features articles on educating yourself about menopause as well as how making simple swaps to veggie food which impact positively benefit the environment. It's almost Movember too, so the moustache is being called for to help raise awareness about men's health. There's also a spotlight on Chrysocolla, a crystal I use during a crystal therapy session.
August 2024
July's newsletter features articles on how to enjoy the warm weather, support available to help your mental health, and more details about Moonstone and its benefits in crystal therapy.
May 2024
April 2024
In this month's newletter you will find tips on tackling stress with mindfulness as well as some recommendations to help you stay calm. There is also a reminder about treatments available at Savanna Therapies.
March 2024
March's newsletter focuses on crystal therapy and its benefits as well as focussing on uplifting books and more about the Spring Equinnox.
February 2024
This month's newsletter features articles on the importance of making time to talk and spending time in nature, which I like to do at California County Park in Finchampstead. You can also read more about a couple of special offers I am running next month.
January 2024
My latest newsletter is out - it focuses on Reiki, special offers at Savanna Therapies, types of rest you need and why we should all choose reflexology!
December 2023
This month's newsletter features 24 self-care tips as well as information on how to help someone who is feeling low.
November 2023
This month's newsletter is a bumper edition featuring articles on managing stress, and highlights how reflexology can help relieve stress. There's advice on how you can spice up your life as well as details of how to buy gift vouchers this Christmas! There's also an offer for crystal reflexology in January!
October 2023
In this month's newsletter I explore Every Mind Matters new campaign to encourage people to 'find your little big thing'. The campaign is aimed at showing you that doing the little things can make a big difference to your mental health. There are also articles about a Festive Wellness and Shopping Weekend I am attending in Wokingham as well as cleansing your crystals and more about this month's full moon, the Hunter's Moon.
September 2023
Let's talk about Forest Bathing in my latest newsletter. The concept of shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing as it's known in the UK, was developed in Japan during the 1980s in response to government studies showing the benefits of spending mindful time in a forest. The success of the approach has proven so effective that forest bathing is now prescribed as a treatment by Japan and Korea's equivalent of the NHS.
There are many benefits of forest bathing including:
- Reduced blood pressure
- Lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol
- Lower blood sugar levels
- Lift depression
- Improved concentration and memory
- Boosted immune system
- Improved respect for the natural environment
In this month's newsletters there are also articles about free mental health and wellbeing online courses, and the benefits of having reflexology.
August 2023
Yes, you've spotted it! August's newsletter is missing! I got stuck in Madrid following a friends' wedding due to the air traffic control issues. Our 3 day trip ended up being 8 and we didn't get back until 2 September! So I missed my own deadline! Normal service will resume in September!
I am now taking bookings after the summer break , so if you are after some reflexology, please get in touch.
There are so many benefits for choosing reflexology. It's not just for feet! It can:
- Aid sleep
- Improve mood
- Release tension
- Promote well-being
- Help relaxation
July 2023
Let's talk crystal therapy! In this month's newsletter I tell you more about dowsing treatments in crystal therapy as well as explaining more about Chakras. There is also advice to help you and your family eat healthier.
June 2023
This month's newsletter features articles on Crystal Therapy. I've started a course on Crystal Therapy and hopefully it won't be too long before I am qualified and can bring this new treatment to Savanna Therapies. The newsletter also focuses on Men's Health Week as well as raising awareness about Cervical Screening
May 2023
My latest newsletter focuses on ten tips for happier living; and anxiety, which was the theme for this year's Mental Health Awareness Week. There is also information on why its beneficial to choose reflexology as a treatment; as well as details on crystal reflexology.
I am also pleased to let you know that I am currently undertaking a crystal therapy course. I look forward to telling you more about it soon.
April 2023
April's newsletter is out and features articles on coping with anxiety, improving mood as well as top tips on how to reduce email stress. Plus some special offers, why not check them out?
March 2023
I've been lucky to have some time off this month and been away in the sunshine. I'm back at work and have just published my latest newsletter
If you have five mins, grab a cuppa and have a read - it features articles on tackling stress, Red Jasper crystals and looking after your health
February 2023
This month's newsletter includes tips on how you can bring harmony to your mind and body as well as advice on how to step into better health. I also tell you more about Carnelion, which I use when working the sacral chakra during a crystal reflexology session. Originating in Brazil, India and Uruguay, Carnelian is red / orange in colour and is a variety of chalcedony. It is known as a 'feel better' stone and it can ground and anchor you in the present moment. This month's newsletter also has some special offers for clients - check it out!
January 2023
This month's newsletter includes tips on focusing on being in the present moment, as well as the opportunity to try the hand reflexology interactive map.
December 2022
I've just published this month's newsletter and it includes articles on how to improve your sleep and looking after yourself and others this Christmas. You can also find out more about Green Aventurine, a crystal I use when working the heart chakra during a Crystal Reflexology session.
And finally this month's newsletter also contains two special offers - one for gift vouchers and the other for Crystal Reflexology.
Don't forget you can sign up for the newsletter to come straight into your inbox
November 2022
Looking for the perfect Christmas gift? Why not think about giving a reflexology treatment to a loved one? Find out more about a gift voucher special offer in November's newsletter. To launch Crystal Reflexology at Savanna Therapies, I am offering a 70-minute appointment in my treatment room in Arborfield for £40 (usually £45) in December and January. If you are interested, you will need to book by 30 January, 2023 (quote CROFFER22). More details about Crystal Reflexology can be found on my treatment webpage.
October 2022
I am really pleased to let you know that I have now passed by Crystal Reflexology course and its now on offer at Savanna Therapies. More details about Crystal Reflexology can be found on my treatment webpage. In the latest newsletter I also talk more about Seasonal Affective Disorder as well details about purchasing gift vouchers this Christmas.
September 2022
In this month's newsletter I tell you more about Crystal Reflexology and where crystals come from. There are more details about a pamper and shopping event I am attending in November, as well as tips on how to relax and calm your mind. You can also find out more about the importance of good eye health and having regular eye tests.
August 2022
Self-care is really important; it's about looking after yourself. And it's different for everyone. I find hobbies play a big part of my life and help so much with self-care. Hobbie are actually good for you! Find out more about the benefits of hobbies in August's newsletter. There are also articles about how the news can affect you, and what you can do if it is making you feel anxious or distressed. There are also details of quick ways to have a break and relax during the day. Why not grab a cup of your favourite drink and read August's newsletter?
July 2022
This month's newsletter features tips on staying hydrated this summer. We need water to survive. Did you know that our bodies are made up mostly of water? It makes up nearly two-thirds of a man’s body and just over half of a woman’s. But why is water so important? It removes waste products from your body in urine, it lubricates your joints, transports nutrients around your body and controls your temperature.
Also featured are tips on meditation as well as the benefits of reflexology.
June 2022
This month's newsletter highlights Men’s Health Week which took place earlier this month. It’s designed to give all boys and men access to the information, services and treatment they need to live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives.
One man in five dies before he’s 65. It’s not just men in mid-life, it’s young men too. And the causes are not just physical, they can also be about mental health. The aim of the week is to promote awareness of male specific health issues as well as encouraging healthier lifestyles, and getting support when you need it.
This month's newsletter also features an article about the benefit of green tea. Dating back as far as 5,000 years ago, green tea is commonly drunk and grown in East Asia where the health properties are highly valued. It is made from the leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant. Its full of antioxidant polyphenols which may help to protect our cells form damage and disease.
May 2022
This month's newsletter features articles on how to look after your back as well as more information about why you should consider reflexology as a treatment.
1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem each year. It's Mental Health Awareness Week (9 to 15 May) and this year’s focus on loneliness is an opportunity to overcome some of the challenges that have been made worse by Covid-19. Loneliness has a huge impact on your mental and physical health. The Mental Health Foundation has published some practical step we can take to address loneliness.
April 2022
Every 15 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with bowel cancer. April is bowel cancer awareness month, and my latest newsletter focuses on spotting the warning signs. Not everyone with symptoms will have bowel cancer but nearly everyone survives if it is caught at the earliest stage. Other articles include more about stress and how to manage it.
March 2022
In this month's newsletter you can find articles on spotting the signs of prostate cancer as well as tips on the seven types of rest that we need. It's a challenging time for so many people at the moment. If you are feeling anxious or worried, or a little out of sorts, listed in this month's newsletter are 10 self-care mood boosting ideas, including reflexology.
February 2022
Did you know your foot has 26 bones! And one quarter of your bones are in your feet There are 20 muscles in each foot and the soles of the feet have more than 700 nerve endings! Basically the feet have it all! Find out how reflexology can benefit you. I still have a few appointments left this month so please get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment.
Let's talk about kiwi fruit! In my latest newsletter Find out why kiwi fruit is so good for you, as well more about the reflexology foot map and why self-care is so important now,.
January 2022
Have you heard of Tibetan singing bowls? A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of ‘bell’ that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. This sound is unique to that bowl’s history, shape, size, weight and dimension. They are also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, and they are believed to be at least 3,000 years old. Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties. You can find out more about them in my latest newsletter. The newsletter also features an article on healthy habits.
December 2021
My latest newsletter is now out. It features articles on boosting your wellbeing this winter and the benefits of getting more active too.
October 2021
October's newsletter features articles on breathing exercises for reducing stress, and more details about being grounded and its benefits. There are also more details about a festive pamper and shopping event I will be at in November.
September 2021
I've just published my latest newsletter featuring articles on how to reduce your carbon footprint by supporting World Vegetarian Day, why its harder to get up in the dark mornings as well as more about the modern day pioneers of reflexology.
This month sees us celebrate World Reflexology Week (20 to 26 September). Its been another difficult year for us and relieving stress and tension is just what we all need right now. Here is a reminder of some of the benefits reflexology could bring:
• Reducing stress
• Improving the immune system
• Relaxation
• Improvements to mood and wellbeing
• Relieving tension
• Rebalancing the whole person
• Clearing blockages and facilitating energy flow
• Improvements to circulation
• Increasing energy
• Helping sleep
August 2021
Read the latest Savanna Therapies newsletter featuring articles on self-care and Chakras.
June 2021
I'm really pleased to tell you that I have passed my Indian Head Massage course and am now VTCT Level 3 qualified! To mark the occasion and to launch this new treatment at Savanna Therapies, I'm offering a 45 minute Indian Head Massage treatment including consultation for £20 in June (will be £25 from July). Contact me if you are interested.
Read the latest Savanna Therapies newsletter featuring news on the importance of fitness and nutrition as you get older, World Wellbeing Week and the benefits of Indian Head Massage.
May 2021
Read the latest Savanna Therapies newsletter featuring top tips to boost healthy living this summer, more details about my Indian Head Massage training course, and benefits of reflexology.
Sign up for the Savanna Therapies newsletter
Sign up to Savanna Therapies newsletter