Savanna TherapiesReflexology for Arborfield and Surrounding Area

Treatments. Andrea Celebrate age event


How can reflexology help you?
Every day life can be stressful. It can be caused by all sorts of things and our bodies are designed to cope with this. Its known as ‘fight or flight’ mode. But often our busy lives take a toll and we are all too often under periods of long term stress and this can have a negative impact on us in so many different ways.

It is important we reduce our stress levels and reflexology can help. It is a gentle therapy which encourages deep relaxation and a sense of balance and wellbeing.

What happens during the initial consultation?
Your initial appointment will last approximately 75 minutes. I will carry out a full confidential consultation including medical history before starting the 50 minute treatment. This will allow me to create a treatment plan for you which is tailored specifically to your needs. You will also be asked to sign a consent form. The information will be kept confidential and held under the GDPR regulations.

What to expect during a treatment?
The treatment will take place in a padded, Lafuma reclining chair. You will be asked to remove your shoes and socks for foot reflexology and I recommend you wear comfortable clothes. During the 50 minute foot reflexology treatment I will use gentle pressure and massage techniques to aid relaxation while working the reflex points.

For hand reflexology treatment, you will sit in a comfortable, supporting chair with your hands on a table. I will place a pillow in the centre of the table and will sit opposite you. It also involves the same technique as the feet – using massage techniques and gentle pressure to points of the hands.

How will I feel after the treatment?
Every person is unique. Many often feel really relaxed, feel their mood lifted and will sleep better afterwards. Most people feel a sense of improved wellbeing and relaxation after several treatments. On occasions, people may experience a headache, feel more emotional or more tired than usual or even nauseous. This is a normal reaction and part of the healing process. It should last no longer than 24 to 48 hours.

How many sessions may I need?
The number of sessions you will need will depend on what it is you hope to get from the treatment. You may find initially its worth having a treatment weekly or fortnightly if you have a particular issue, and then move to 4 to 6 weekly appointments.

Crystal Reflexology
People have worked with crystals for thousands of years because of their healing properties. More than 5,000 years ago crystals were recorded in Chinese texts as being used in traditional medicine, and also in in Ayurvedic texts from India. In the Bible alone, there are more than 200 references to crystals and their powers. They’ve also been used by the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Native Americans, all using crystals for their healing powers.

So, where do crystals come from? They were formed more than a million years ago inside the Earth's crust. They occur when the liquid in the Earth consolidates and the temperature chills. Other crystals form when the liquid makes its way through the clefts and dispense minerals into these clefts. They come in many different shapes, sizes and colour and each one has a different characteristic. They can be smooth or rough, each one vibrates in its own way and at its own frequency.

Crystal Reflexology works at both a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

I combine the crystals with the reflexology session, which is tailored to your needs. By using crystals it allows their energies to help release any blocked or stagnant energy. Once crystals have been chosen, cleansed and tuned, I use the associated crystal on the chakra positions on the feet. I then use the crystal wand to ease any tender points on the foot. I will also place crystals around and / or underneath the body. It's deeply relaxing, but also a very powerful treatment. The crystal works in different ways for people, so the effect will be different for each person.

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